This Radar is the latest version and is what is going on my replica torso and is correctly resized to fit the replica collar and Torso. (the club collar is 4" thick the new size is 3.625" thick (and a little narrower). As you can see with this picture, the clutch pack has a tapered top. A top view shows a milled out key area for the bubble lifter (never mind the slight dent off to the right of the key - it was a mistake but it will be covered up with the bubble lifter cover so it doesnt matter. Also note the 2nd half of the radar has upper and lower base plates where the ears are inserted.
Underneath the radar unit I have places for the motor drive unit so the radar can be turned remotely or automatically as well as places for the electronics for the ear sensor motors.

And of course here is the Bubble lifter tube with the key inserted. I have included the drawing
so you can assemble your own.

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